
Receive work letters and packages at home.

Help your staff keep their private home address, well private! Address_Code replaces a home address with an encrypted 'Address_Code' that only the delivery company can read.

Address_Code is currently in Private Beta. We will notify you when available to all.

Send Address_Code

Let clients download or receive your Address_Code via messaging app.

Receive Address_Code

Receive a postage prepaid Address_Code from the recipient and add to the package.

Track packages

See live tracking of collection and delivery.

Keeping private addresses private.

A complete solution for managing delivery of work post and packages to remote workers home addresses, or for presenting a more professional and secure solution for freelancers who need to receive packages without exposing their home addresses.

Address_Code is currently in Private Beta. We will notify you when available to all.

Protect both your staff and your company's post and packages.

With remote work becoming the norm for so many workers, Address_Code provides a solution to enable the flow of work post and packages, on behalf of a company, to home addresses without revealing the employees home address to the sender.

Address_Code is currently in Private Beta. We will notify you when available to all.

If all goes to plan
Address_Code will be interoperable.

(The standard: Like email, Address_Code should just work across all different service providers)

A simple plan for a complex problem.

For only £1 per employee per year your company can deploy Address_Code company wide and worldwide.

Address_Code is currently in Private Beta. We will notify you when available to all.